Coordinator:    Franco Gucciardo


Montreal - Initiatives are in progress to promote Heritage sites and events where Italo-Canadian contributions have marked the Italian community and the community as a whole. 

The area of Montreal defined as Little Italy has several sites that provide such opportunity.


Between August and October, 2004, COPRAS held information exchange meetings at Notre-Dame-de-la-Défense parish.          Contact us for the details or for the access codes to the files.

Coincidentally it became known that the Montreal School Commission is promoting Notre-Dame-de-la-Défense school (situated across the street from the Church) as being of architectural patrimony caliber.  COPRAS will ensure that the Italian community will have a voice in these cultural assessments.

See pamphlet prepared by Commission Scolaire de Montréal in the program "L'opération patrimoine architectural de Montréal 2004" signed by Isabelle Bouchard, M.Sc.A., Consultante en patrimoine et aménagement.  A Copy of the full report will be requested.


A conversation has been initiated with the School Commission to facilitate future cooperation.